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Case Study Submission

Critical role of nurses in influencing the upstream social determinants of health and advancing equitable healthcare practices globally.

Thank you for submitting your case study. This form contains 10 sections, including declarations. If any section does not apply to your case study, please mark it as "N/A." Please read the declaration carefully and print your name to acknowledge it. For any questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us at

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-13 at 15.08.05.jpeg
6. What is the Region Where This Case Study Events Took Place?
Americas (North, Central, South, and Caribbean) (AMRO)
Western part of the European Region (EURO)
African Region (AFRO)
Eastern part of the European Region (EURO)
Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO)
South-East Asia Region (SEARO)
Western Pacific Region (WPRO)
10. Specific Social Determinants of Health
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